A New Year - A Fresh Start!

Wow, I actually cannot believe we are nearly through with January and it only seems like yesterday we were setting up all the Christmas decorations!

How are you all doing? Lockdown seems to have taken it’s toll on everyone…

I can't believe I haven't posted for over a month! I've really missed welcoming you all to my studio and working together. I hope it's not too long before I can open the studio doors once again!

In the meantime, I have some exciting news that I'm delighted to share with you!

I've been really busy over these past few weeks, juggling homeschooling our two children, doing the usual wifey duties and have decided to go back to my roots....where my photography all stemmed from.... Fine art painting!

I've been beavering away creating beautiful new portraits, botanical studies and abstract pieces, then rebuilding my website to showcase my work to share with you all.

I'm so thrilled to be offering unique, beautiful and professional painting commissions for your homes!

Go take a peek at my work and please give me a little follow on my two new instagram pages...(one is fine art and one is for my abstracts)



You can see everything in one place all here on my website too! https://www.elizabethg.co.uk/original-paintings-by-elizabeth

Looking forward to creating a unique piece of artwork for you soon!

Keep safe and stay well.

